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…a well-trained soprano as well as a skilled dancer…Ms. Reinhart was vocally secure throughout all her tantrums, and Mr. Varone’s choreography allowed her to use her fierce gaze and flashing eyes to fine dramatic effect.
— The New York Times
Are you kidding? I have a feeling we’ve all fallen into a well of delightful, enticingly witty, tasty musical warmth and simple elegance... good looking, and a great voice...AND all with a wonderful Musical Director, Laurence Hobgood.
— Marni Nixon
…and [as] a singer, Ariane Reinhart, evokes the bridges of Paris: more than well done…
— The New York Times
Ariane Reinhart...capitalizes on her matrix of gifts: a flair for drama [and] a might set of pipes...
— The Village Voice
Her high-caliber voice is a rare commodity among dancers.
— The Durham Herald Sun