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Ariane Malia Reinhart; Joyce Soho

Sharon Reaves

Ariane Malia Reinhart, daughter of dance impresarios Charles and Stephanie Reinhart, made a sophisticated solo debut (Joyce Soho, September) with works that capitalize on her matrix of gifts: a flair for drama, a mighty set of pipes, and impressive connections. In Shen Wei's slo-mo Body Study she was a shifting landscape of muscle and bone; in Mark Haim's A Room, a woman finding her place amid (parental?) shadows. In 2 a.m. Martha Clarke had her slam against a spotlit wall while singing a Weill ballad in a dusky mezzo. Doug Varone showed Reinhart at her smartest in The Drawing Lesson—she delivered Handel's cantata "Tu fedel? Tu costante?" as supercharged kinetic cabaret. Hilariously wild-eyed, she stormed the stage with delicious, skittery mime and skewered a stick-man sketch of her unfaithful lover. An evening-length Reinhart-Varone song cycle can't come soon enough.